Dental emergencies, just like medical emergencies, tend to occur when you least expect it. They will often find you ill-prepared and catch you off-guard.
Being prepared for a dental emergency will help you stay composed during such a scenario and give you some peace of mind, knowing that you are covered if it does occur.
The first item on the list you need to tick off when preparing for future dental emergencies is, being aware of an emergency dentist near you that you can see during your crisis.
Most people wonder why they would need an emergency dentist in Dallas when they do not frequently need to use their services.
During a dental emergency, you may be in too much pain to actively search for an emergency dentist to see. Also, dental emergencies can be very time-sensitive scenarios.
Apart from picking out an emergency dentist beforehand, another challenge most patients face is deciding when they need to book an emergency dental appointment. This is a difficult decision to make, particularly if you cannot tell whether your dental issue is an emergency or not.
A dental emergency is a dental issue that requires immediate medical attention, and most instances will cause unbearable dental pain, bleeding, or swelling.
A dental emergency is time-sensitive, and you may need to get it checked out as soon as possible. Putting off such a dental issue could result in further and more permanent damages, which may require you to undergo more extensive and invasive dental procedures to resolve.
There are specific markers that can help you identify a dental emergency issue, and they may include:
Any of these dental emergencies can be handled by Dr. James and the team at Trinity Dental Loft.
Here are some quick tips that may be useful in handling a dental emergency.
Primary teeth or “baby teeth” do not need to be re-inserted. However, saving an adult tooth is a time-sensitive dental issue. The longer the tooth is out of the socket, the less likely that it can be re-implanted and saved. In order, to keep the tooth viable to be secured back in the socket:
– Avoid touching the root of the tooth as it has cells that are necessary to adhere to the socket. Pick the tooth up by the crown (the part visible in the mouth)
– If the tooth is dirty, rinse it with milk, but do not scrub. If milk is not available, rinse it briefly with water.
– Place the tooth in suitable storage medium- milk, saline solution, Hank’s storage solution. The tooth can also be transported in the mouth by holding it between the cheek and the molars.
Your tooth needs to be well preserved and handled, to stay viable enough for reinsertion. When faced with such an issue, please pick up the tooth and rinse it out gently without touching the root.
Carry it in a container of milk to keep it moist if you cannot keep it in place within its socket, and rush to our dentist for treatment.
This dental issue can creep up on you. It is an infection that occurs when a pus pocket forms within the root region of your infected tooth.
An abscessed tooth requires immediate medical attention before the infection spreads further to your neck or head tissues. Indicators of a dental abscess include an unbearable toothache, swollen gums, fever, tooth sensitivity, and foul breath. In other instances, patients complain of having difficulties breathing or swallowing.
These injuries may result in excessive bleeding if not handled promptly. Tissue injuries may occur as a result of cuts or lacerations on the tongue, cheeks, lips, or gums.
Contact us today at Trinity dental loft for all your emergency dental appointments.